Review `MicroCeph` charm for listing


$ juju info microceph
channels: |
  reef/stable:       59  2024-07-25  (59)  17MB  amd64  ubuntu@22.04
  reef/candidate:    59  2024-06-25  (59)  17MB  amd64  ubuntu@22.04
  reef/beta:         69  2024-07-17  (69)  17MB  amd64  ubuntu@22.04
  reef/edge:         69  2024-07-17  (69)  17MB  amd64  ubuntu@22.04
  latest/stable:     --
  latest/candidate:  --
  latest/beta:       --
  latest/edge:       72  2024-08-01  (72)  16MB  amd64  ubuntu@22.04

The charm should be listed on when you make a new release to reef/stable.

Charms exhibit an interesting behavior where the refresh happens after a default track is updated and after a release is made to that default track. Releasing to reef/stable should solve the issue of the charm being unlisted in the UI.

Hello, seems like the charm now appears in! A new release has updated that I believe.

Considering this issue as closed now unless there are any further questions. Thanks for your patience!