Review `airbyte-ui-k8s` Charm for Listing

Hello! I’d like to request for the listing of the Airbyte UI k8s operator charm. This is one of two Airbyte charms being requested for listing. The other listing request can be found here.

Airbyte is an open-source data integration platform designed to centralize and streamline the process of extracting and loading data from various sources into data warehouses, lakes, or other destinations.

This operator provides the Airbyte web UI, and consists of Python scripts which wraps the versions distributed by airbyte.

PR for code review: Review Charm for Listing by kelkawi-a · Pull Request #10 · canonical/airbyte-ui-k8s-operator · GitHub

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Hi @ali-kelkawi - does it make sense to have different people review this one and the airbyte-k8s charm, or would they be missing context and it should really be one person doing both?

Hey @tony-meyer , the two charms are related, but I created two listing requests as instructed in the docs. The deployment instructions for both charms are consolidate under airbyte-k8s, so it might be better for one person to review both to have the full context if it’s not too much work.

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@mbeierl how would you feel about taking on the review for both of these? If that’s going to be too much, that’s no problem, I’ll throw the dice again and find another reviewer for this one.

I hear that @mbeierl is actually away for a while.

@pguimaraes would you mind handling this review instead?

You can go through and tick off the items on the checklist and post the result in this thread. This prior listing request could serve as an example of how to go about it. Please ping @review-coordinators for any questions.

Hi @tony-meyer, yes let me go over it.

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Hi @tony-meyer @ali-kelkawi left some comments on your PR. All the rest seems covered already.

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Hi @ali-kelkawi I see your progress with the review, specially PR#11. Can I also have a video recording of the charm working and some of its main features?

UPDATE - 2024.07.16

Hi @tony-meyer, after the review changes have been merged and the demo from @ali-kelkawi, the charm is ready for publication.

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Sorry for the delay here, I was off sick for a few days and I think I wrongly filed the notification email in that time so I forgot this was there when I came back. Thanks @pguimaraes !

@odysseus-k This one should be good for listing!


The airbyte-ui-k8s charm should now be listed.



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