Request: Transfer ownership of seldon-core and mlflow-server to Kubeflow Charmers

Hello! Can we please transfer the ownership of seldon-core and mlflow-server to Kubeflow Charmers?

Context: Some of us (@ichvets and I) do not have ownership on these charms despite being in the Kubeflow Charmers group and these charms being maintained by the Kubeflow team. Every time we try to push resources or even check the status of these charms, we get: - resource-not-found: Name seldon-core not found in the charm namespace. We suspect it is because we do not have ownership, but let us know if this is caused by something else.

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Hi, kubeflow deployment is stuck at this level

Some help? Merci.

Hi, both transfers are complete!

  • Daniel

Hey @Moula do you mind opening a new discourse post with the “kubeflow” tag or even better, a Github issue at canonical/bundle-kubeflow with all the details?

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