Request track 6 for Charmed Mongos K8s Operator

We are getting ready to support a new charm for MongoS (MongoS 6) and want to create a new track for this charm on charmhub (page not existing yet, it’s a new charm) for publishing.

If we can have the ownership transferred to data-platform-team that would be great.

CC @miaaltieri


I can transfer the charm mongo-k8s to data-platform-team.

Clarifying the track creation request - you would like the track name to be 6 is that correct?


Yes that is correct, 6!

Just one clarification, the charm is mongos-k8s not mongo-k8s


It appears that the charm is not yet registered. You will have to do this before I am able to perform the above.


Hello, The charm is now registered.

Is it possible to also transfer ownership from me to Canonical Data Platform account?

Thank you!

I created track 6 and transferred ownership to data-platform.


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Thanks a lot!