when searching for our ceph-dashboard charm I get 0 hits on charmhub.io even though the charm should be public.
FTR. I’ve seen it mentioned that for a charm to be searchable it would need a latest/stable release – however none of our (OpenStack Charmers team) charms e.g. ceph-mon or ceph-osd release to latest/stable and they show up in searches nevertheless (rationale is that it makes a poor user experience in our context fwiw)
Hi Peter
in general we would like list charms / make them searchable if the are at least “ready for publication” according to the link about charm maturity Simme has provided.
Without looking into your review request I find the initial documentation on charmhub, the charm detail page not optimal, ref to:
Enable dashboard for Ceph
Enable the ceph dashboard on the ceph mon units
How about adding an information about getting started at least there?