Request: guardrail for observability charms

Hi team,

Could you help add a track guardrail to all the observability charms?

I would like to create a track named 1 and/or 1-lts, and allow for easy creation of tracks numbered after integers. The requested guardrail pattern would be \d+(-lts)?. Let me know if this is good enough, or if you need more information.

CC: @sed-i

This is the list of all our charms:

Thanks in advance!


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@lucabello We also want the optional suffix of -lts, no? I.e \d+(-lts)?

That’s a good point @0x12b , you’re right :slight_smile:

Then the request is extended to \d+(-lts)? so that we’re allowed to create tracks of the form 1 and also 1-lts.

I also edited the main post, so this change gets more visibility!


Hey, Luca! Thanks for your interest in track self-service.

\d+(lts)? looks good. Let me help with your request, I’ll return with a response soon.

Hi again, Luca!

I’ve created the guardrail pattern for all your requested charms, except 2 - kiali-k8s and metrics-k8s-proxy. It looks like they don’t exist now:

{"error_list":[{"message":"charm kiali-k8s - not found"}]}
{"error_list":[{"message":"charm metrics-k8s-proxy - not found"}]}

Please recheck that you can create tracks according to the pattern.

Have a good day!