I have a dead controller and a few models with machines/units attached.
Maas cloud, physical servers.
I want to re-use some of these nodes without reinstalling them from ground up but rather just use ‘juju add-machine ssh@xxxx’ once I have managed to remove completely the juju-agent on the machines.
How do I remove the unit-agent to allow this to happen and be able to reuse the server with a new juju controller ?
Do the servers have the /sbin/remove-juju-services script?
I think that’s what you’re looking for, but you should have a quick read of the script (it’s quite short) to make sure it doesn’t remove anything you’d like to keep.
I’m also trying to wrestle myself into a controller that has a certificate expired for candid.
As I’m not really interested in recovering the whole thing, I’m however trying to extract a list of all nodes that are atteched to the controller in one way or the other.
I need to get this information from the mongodb database I assume, I’m just not sure on how to do that. Is this something you know how to do? I’ll ask also in char.charmhub.io …