Raft API Leases - Part II

My steps

  • Diff against juju 2.9 tip:
juju diff to disable leadership auth
diff --git a/apiserver/facades/agent/leadership/leadership.go b/apiserver/facades/agent/leadership/leadership.go
index f0d9328554..8c62ffc426 100644
--- a/apiserver/facades/agent/leadership/leadership.go
+++ b/apiserver/facades/agent/leadership/leadership.go
@@ -79,18 +79,18 @@ func (m *leadershipService) ClaimLeadership(args params.ClaimLeadershipBulkParam
                // In the future, situations may arise wherein units will make
                // leadership claims for other units. For now, units can only
                // claim leadership for themselves, for their own service.
-               authTag := m.authorizer.GetAuthTag()
-               canClaim := false
-               switch authTag.(type) {
-               case names.UnitTag:
-                       canClaim = m.authorizer.AuthOwner(unitTag) && m.authMember(applicationTag)
-               case names.ApplicationTag:
-                       canClaim = m.authorizer.AuthOwner(applicationTag)
-               }
-               if !canClaim {
-                       result.Error = apiservererrors.ServerError(apiservererrors.ErrPerm)
-                       continue
-               }
+               /// authTag := m.authorizer.GetAuthTag()
+               /// canClaim := false
+               /// switch authTag.(type) {
+               /// case names.UnitTag:
+               ///     canClaim = m.authorizer.AuthOwner(unitTag) && m.authMember(applicationTag)
+               /// case names.ApplicationTag:
+               ///     canClaim = m.authorizer.AuthOwner(applicationTag)
+               /// }
+               /// if !canClaim {
+               ///     result.Error = apiservererrors.ServerError(apiservererrors.ErrPerm)
+               ///     continue
+               /// }
                if err = m.claimer.ClaimLeadership(applicationTag.Id(), unitTag.Id(), duration); err != nil {
                        result.Error = apiservererrors.ServerError(err)
@@ -101,18 +101,18 @@ func (m *leadershipService) ClaimLeadership(args params.ClaimLeadershipBulkParam

 // BlockUntilLeadershipReleased implements the LeadershipService interface.
 func (m *leadershipService) BlockUntilLeadershipReleased(ctx context.Context, applicationTag names.ApplicationTag) (params.ErrorResult, error) {
-       authTag := m.authorizer.GetAuthTag()
-       hasPerm := false
-       switch authTag.(type) {
-       case names.UnitTag:
-               hasPerm = m.authMember(applicationTag)
-       case names.ApplicationTag:
-               hasPerm = m.authorizer.AuthOwner(applicationTag)
-       }
+       /// authTag := m.authorizer.GetAuthTag()
+       /// hasPerm := false
+       /// switch authTag.(type) {
+       /// case names.UnitTag:
+       ///     hasPerm = m.authMember(applicationTag)
+       /// case names.ApplicationTag:
+       ///     hasPerm = m.authorizer.AuthOwner(applicationTag)
+       /// }
+       /// if !hasPerm {
+       ///     return params.ErrorResult{Error: apiservererrors.ServerError(apiservererrors.ErrPerm)}, nil
+       /// }

        if err := m.claimer.BlockUntilLeadershipReleased(applicationTag.Id(), ctx.Done()); err != nil {
                return params.ErrorResult{Error: apiservererrors.ServerError(err)}, nil
  • Bootstrap aws using a VPC and t3a.large instances.
$ juju bootstrap aws/us-east-1 jam-aws --config vpc-id=vpc-5aaf123f --bootstrap-constraints instance-type=t3a.large
Note about bootstrap being a bit slow

It is a bit surprising, but getting that initial bootstrap is slower than I expected. Cloud init starts at:

Cloud-init v. 21.3-1-g6803368d-0ubuntu1~20.04.4 running 'init-local' at Fri, 29 Oct 2021 18:44:34 +0000. Up 11.69 seconds.

The next interesting timestamp is during apt-install with:

Setting up tzdata (2021e-0ubuntu0.20.04) ...
Current default time zone: 'Etc/UTC'
Local time is now:      Fri Oct 29 18:48:28 UTC 2021.
Universal Time is now:  Fri Oct 29 18:48:28 UTC 2021.
Run 'dpkg-reconfigure tzdata' if you wish to change it.

I don’t know whether it took 3 min to run apt update && apt upgrade or if it just adjusted the clock, but it was slow to bootstrap (which is why I started looking). apt-get update seems like it was fast:

Fetched 20.4 MB in 4s (5075 kB/s)

Maybe it was the time spent generating the SSH keys?

Juju itself started shortly thereafter:

2021-10-29 18:48:58 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:56 running jujud [ 0 282a0bae4cfabd5ac5d3a638d643549812b7594f gc go1.16.9]

snap install itself was reasonably fast, about 15s:

2021-10-29 18:48:59 INFO juju.packaging.manager run.go:88 Running: snap install  --channel 4.0/stable juju-db
2021-10-29 18:49:14 INFO juju.replicaset replicaset.go:56 Initiating replicaset with config: {
  • Enable ha
$ juju enable-ha -n3
  • Switch to controller, create a prometheus user, deploy the bundle. Note that this differs from the Monitoring Juju Controllers because grafana moved to a proper name, and I wanted to deploy from charmhub. I’d love to move to LMA 2 but it needs K8s running.
$ juju add-user prometheus
$ juju grant prometheus read controller
$ juju change-user-password prometheus
    charm: cs:~jameinel/ubuntu-lite
    num_units: 3
    - "0"
    - "1"
    - "2"
    charm: grafana
    num_units: 1
    series: focal
    channel: stable
    - "1"
    expose: true
    charm: prometheus2
    num_units: 1
    series: focal
    channel: stable
    - "0"
    charm: telegraf
    series: focal
    channel: stable
      hostname: '{unit}'
      tags: juju_model=controller
- - controller:juju-info
  - telegraf:juju-info
- - prometheus:grafana-source
  - grafana:grafana-source
- - telegraf:prometheus-client
  - prometheus:target
      scrape-jobs: |
        - job_name: juju
          metrics_path: /introspection/metrics
          scheme: https
              - targets:
                - '$IPADDRESS0:17070'
                    juju_model: controller
                    host: controller-0
              - targets:
                - '$IPADDRESS1:17070'
                    juju_model: controller
                    host: controller-1
              - targets:
                - '$IPADDRESS2:17070'
                    juju_model: controller
                    host: controller-2
            username: user-prometheus
            password: $PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD
            insecure_skip_verify: true
juju deploy ./bundle.yaml --overlay overlay.yaml --map-machines=existing
$ juju run-action grafana/leader get-login-info --wait

Upload the dashboard.json. Note that it needs a few tweaks because of metric changes:

  • juju_apiserver_connection_count became juju_apiserver_connections

  • juju_api_requests_total became juju_apiserver_request_duration_seconds_count

  • juju_api_request_duration_seconds became juju_apiserver_request_duration_seconds

  • Create another unit, upload leadershipclaimer to it (that way claimer load is separate from controller load)

# update the controller config so that you can add lots of logins
juju controller-config agent-ratelimit-rate=10ms
juju deploy cs:~jameinel/ubuntu-lite leadership-claimer
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/juju/juju/scripts/leadershipclaimer
go build .
juju scp ./leadershipclaimer leadership-claimer/0:.
juju scp ./run.sh leadership-claimer/0:.
juju ssh leadership-claimer/0

And then inside the machine:

$ sudo grep apipassword /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-*/agent.conf
$ inject that into run.sh along with the controller API addresses and unit-leadership-claimer and `juju models --uuid`

Update run.sh to have 100 processes fighting over 100 leases.

When I try to run with normal pubsub, I end up getting a lot of:

  362.122s claim of "a1787" for "a1787/0" failed in 54.137s: lease operation timed out

That led to: image image

wipe it out, try again with fewer

killall leadershipclaimer

Drop it to 100 processes via for 20 leases (*3 units):

for i in `seq -f%02g 0 99`; do
    for j in `seq -f%02g 0 19`; do

add another

    for j in `seq -f%02g 20 39`; do

(note that this is also with renewtime=4.9s, claimtime=5s)

That actually worked for a while, but then:

  413.937s blocking for leadership of "a0618" for "a0618/2" failed in 39.019s with error blocking on leadership release: lease manager stopped
killall leadershipclaimer


Then enable the feature:

$ juju controller-config "features=['raft-api-leases']"

Spin up the first 20: image

Interestingly, it is rock solid, and doesn’t have bounces or reconnects. Add another 20: image

After waiting a bit, it is still pretty rock solid, and the facade call time is very steady.

Double again by adding another 40

    for j in `seq -f%02g 40 79`; do

At this point, it does start thrashing and getting

  161.703s claim of "a8570" for "a8570/0" failed in 57.139s: lease operation timed out

However, I don’t see lease manager stopped. At this point, controller machine-2 has gotten unhappy:

2021-10-29 20:43:34 ERROR juju.worker.raft.raftforwarder logger.go:48 couldn't claim lease "1a18744b-20a6-4514-8afd-42602dc6b078:application-leadership#a8122#" for "a8122/2" in db: no reachable servers

And seems like it cannot recover. at the same time, mongo is unhappy:

2021-10-29 20:43:34 WARNING juju.mongo open.go:166 TLS handshake failed: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

I’m guessing one issue is that it is having back-pressure:

2021-10-29 20:41:14 WARNING juju.core.raftlease client.go:119 command Command(ver: 1, op: claim, ns: application-leadership, model: 1a1874, lease: a2745, holder: a2745/2): lease already held
2021-10-29 20:41:14 WARNING juju.core.raftlease client.go:119 command Command(ver: 1, op: claim, ns: application-leadership, model: 1a1874, lease: a4536, holder: a4536/2): lease already held
2021-10-29 20:41:14 ERROR juju.worker.raft.raftforwarder logger.go:48 couldn't claim lease "1a18744b-20a6-4514-8afd-42602dc6b078:application-leadership#a2913#" for "a2913/2" in db: Closed explicitly
2021-10-29 20:41:14 ERROR juju.worker.raft.raftforwarder logger.go:48 couldn't claim lease "1a18744b-20a6-4514-8afd-42602dc6b078:application-leadership#a9244#" for "a9244/0" in db: Closed explicitly

Which might be the patch that @simonrichardson has already proposed.

It does appear that there is work to be done, but it does look like it is going in the right direction.