Quick start guide to Kubeflow

I’m having problems with this tutorial, I tried to install it exactly with these steps but it seems some of the pods just crash all the time.

dex-auth res:oci-image@a74f783 error 1 dex-auth charmhub 2.28/stable 78 kubernetes creating or updating custom resource definitions: ensuring custom res ource definition “REMOVED LINK” with version “v1beta1”: CustomResourceDefinition apiextensions k8s io “authcodes.dex.coreos.com” is invalid: spec.versions[0] schema.openAPIV3Schema: Required value: schemas ar e required

kubeflow-dashboard res:oci-image@858a90f error 1 kubeflow-dashboard charmhub stable 64 kubernetes creating or updating custom resources: getting custom resources: atte mpt count exceeded: getting custom resource definition “profiles kubeflow org”: custom resource definition “profiles ubeflow org” not found kubeflow-profiles res:profile-image@f4450cf error 1 kubeflow-profiles charmhub stable 57 kubernetes creating or updating custom resource definitions: ensuring custom res ource definition “serviceroles rbac istio io” with version “v1beta1”: CustomResourceDefinition apiextensions k8s io “serviceroles rbac stio io” is invalid: spec versions[0] schema openAPIV3Schema: Required value: schema s are required

istio-ingressgateway/0* error idle 15020/TCP,80/TCP,443/TCP,15029/TCP,15030/TCP,15031/TCP,15032/TCP,15443/TCP,15011/TCP,8060/TCP,853/TCP crash loop backoff: back-off 5m0s restarting failed contain er=istio-proxy pod=istio-ingressgateway-846b8b8b9-mxfm6_kubeflow(21db34af-5a0c-485a-a784-4b79fbad7a31)

Could you please double check your distribution?

P.S. your forum sucks, it thinks those errors contain links so removed dots.

Hello @pttr are you running microk8s in the 1.21/stable channel? Kubeflow currently doesn’t support any later versions. You can check with snap info microk8s.

Edit: I’m sorry I was just able to reproduce this with our instructions, there might be something broken on our side, we will try and fix this as soon as possible.

@pttr after further investigation we have discovered that this is an issue with the latest juju version. To bypass this for now, during bootstrap you can do the following: juju bootstrap microk8s --agent-version="2.9.22"


I have the kubeflow (following your quick guide with ubuntu 20.04) stucked facing this problem: registry.jujucharms.com/kubeflow-charmers/kfp-viz/oci-image@sha256:c90a5818043da47448c4230953b265a66877bd143e4bdd991f762cf47e2a16d6 is not uploding. Running the URL directly in the browser reveals a 404 error, also pinging the address it do not respond .

@alfax1962 thanks for the message. I just ran through everything from scratch again and the only thing I needed that was outside the tutorial was to patch a role for the istio-ingressgateway charm using:

kubectl patch role -n kubeflow istio-ingressgateway-operator -p '{"apiVersion":"rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1","kind":"Role","metadata":{"name":"istio-ingressgateway-operator"},"rules":[{"apiGroups":["*"],"resources":["*"],"verbs":["*"]}]}' 

Did you use the --agent-version="2.9.22" as @dominik.f mentioned? Apart from that I’m not sure what else might be going wrong. If you could provide juju status and juju debug-log info for the failing charm there might be something helpful there. I’d also suggest doing a sudo snap remove microk8s --purge and trying again - perhaps something was left in microk8s that interacted with this?

Thank you @ca-scribner very much for your prompt reply. All was solved. The problem was my network: the site didn’t answer in the timing required by kubernetes. After some hours the pod initialized correctly. Many regards

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You’re welcome! Glad to hear it

The controller can work with different models, which map to namespaces in Kubernetes. It is recommended to set up a specific model for Kubeflow:

this is not in fact the case. if you pick any name besides kubeflow for the model… the kubeflow desktop unit errors out… just heads up

Yeah sorry I thought we had that model name issue covered in this guide, but must have been an old one. Atm there’s a hard-coded assumption in the upstream kubeflow dashboard code that expects kubeflow to deployed in the k8s namespace kubeflow.

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ah, no worries…

Any idea on how or where to access spark in the full bundle ? Posted a ticket to the github here


I am a total k8s newb so perhaps it’s in the full version but not called out explicitly in the application names or ?

We all start as newbs :slight_smile:

I see @dominik.f replied on the issue, but I also subscribed to it so if his suggestion doesn’t work out reply and we can try to sort it out

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thank you Andrew, I have actually hit a bug it seems… so I need to tear down the controller and start from scratch… once that’s done I will retry

the bug is described here Bug #1968105 “Juju+microk8s: very weird behaviour” : Bugs : juju

edit: I’ve reconnected my client / controller and done the juju deploy spark-k8s

from there I am a bit lost… going to try to just … load a basic pyspark session… there’s not much documentation on the charmhub about this tho

Edit2: hmmm I seem to have notebooks just scheduling but never getting completed… my juju status shows an error on dex-auth/2

hook failed: "ingress-relation-broken"

Im going to just tear down and start from scratch… and then at the end add juju deploy spark-k8s and retry

Edit3: well after stopping and restarted the notebook it completed… I then tried a basic hello world NB with pyspark… I am assuming I need to set some… environment variables and point now to the spark-k8s application/unit in juju?


I’ve been trying to port forward or create tunnel to access this dashboard since I installed kubeflow on my server. with the socks tunnel I get an error about the hostname not having an ip associated with it and I don’t know exactly how to deal with it

Hey, try this tutorial for setting up remote access to Kubeflow - Set up remote access | Charmed Kubeflow - hopefully it will help get you going




Hey, Is there a tutorial about how to use openebs as a default storage class in kubeflow ?

I am looking forward to your reply. :grinning:

I tried to install kubeflow 1.6 on microk8s 1.22 over a few weeks but I do not succeed. I followed this quickguide and now all containers are up and running, but I cannot access the Web-UI with

Further investigation showed that there is no gateway configured.

microk8s kubectl get gateway -A

so I tried this fix

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1beta1
kind: Gateway
   app.istio-pilot.io/is-workload-entity: "true"
   app.juju.is/created-by: istio-pilot
 name: kubeflow-gateway
 namespace: kubeflow
 resourceVersion: "2203"
   istio: ingressgateway
 - hosts:
   - '*'
 name: http
 number: 80
 protocol: HTTP

but I got this error

error: error validating "STDIN": error validating data: [ValidationError(Gateway.metadata): unknown field "selector" in io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta, ValidationError(Gateway.metadata): unknown field "servers" in io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.apis.meta.v1.ObjectMeta]; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false

My installation:

Model     Controller          Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
kubeflow  microk8s-localhost  microk8s/localhost  2.9.35   unsupported  23:22:56+02:00

App                        Version                    Status  Scale  Charm                    Channel         Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
admission-webhook          res:oci-image@84a4d7d      active      1  admission-webhook        1.6/stable       50  no       
argo-controller            res:oci-image@669ebd5      active      1  argo-controller          3.3/stable       99                  no       
dex-auth                                              active      1  dex-auth                 2.31/stable     129  no       
istio-ingressgateway                                  active      1  istio-gateway            1.11/stable     114  no       
istio-pilot                                           active      1  istio-pilot              1.11/stable     131  no       
jupyter-controller         res:oci-image@8f4ec33      active      1  jupyter-controller       1.6/stable      138                  no       
jupyter-ui                 res:oci-image@cde6632      active      1  jupyter-ui               1.6/stable       99  no       
kfp-api                    res:oci-image@1b44753      active      1  kfp-api                  2.0/stable       81   no       
kfp-db                     mariadb/server:10.3        active      1  charmed-osm-mariadb-k8s  latest/stable    35   no       ready
kfp-persistence            res:oci-image@31f08ad      active      1  kfp-persistence          2.0/stable       76                  no       
kfp-profile-controller     res:oci-image@d86ecff      active      1  kfp-profile-controller   2.0/stable       61  no       
kfp-schedwf                res:oci-image@51ffc60      active      1  kfp-schedwf              2.0/stable       80                  no       
kfp-ui                     res:oci-image@55148fd      active      1  kfp-ui                   2.0/stable       80  no       
kfp-viewer                 res:oci-image@7190aa3      active      1  kfp-viewer               2.0/stable       79                  no       
kfp-viz                    res:oci-image@67e8b09      active      1  kfp-viz                  2.0/stable       74  no       
kubeflow-dashboard         res:oci-image@6fe6eec      active      1  kubeflow-dashboard       1.6/stable      154  no       
kubeflow-profiles          res:profile-image@0a46ffc  active      1  kubeflow-profiles        1.6/stable       82  no       
kubeflow-roles                                        active      1  kubeflow-roles           1.6/stable       31  no       
kubeflow-volumes           res:oci-image@cc5177a      active      1  kubeflow-volumes         1.6/stable       64  no       
metacontroller-operator                               active      1  metacontroller-operator  2.0/stable       48  no       
minio                      res:oci-image@1755999      active      1  minio                    ckf-1.6/stable   99    no       
oidc-gatekeeper            res:oci-image@32de216      active      1  oidc-gatekeeper          ckf-1.6/stable   76   no       
seldon-controller-manager  res:oci-image@eb811b6      active      1  seldon-core              1.14/stable      92  no       
training-operator                                     active      1  training-operator        1.5/stable       65  no       

Unit                          Workload  Agent  Address      Ports              Message
admission-webhook/0*          active    idle  4443/TCP           
argo-controller/0*            active    idle                     
dex-auth/0*                   active    idle                     
istio-ingressgateway/0*       active    idle                     
istio-pilot/0*                active    idle                     
jupyter-controller/0*         active    idle                     
jupyter-ui/0*                 active    idle  5000/TCP           
kfp-api/0*                    active    idle  8888/TCP,8887/TCP  
kfp-db/0*                     active    idle  3306/TCP           ready
kfp-persistence/0*            active    idle                     
kfp-profile-controller/0*     active    idle  80/TCP             
kfp-schedwf/0*                active    idle                     
kfp-ui/0*                     active    idle  3000/TCP           
kfp-viewer/0*                 active    idle                     
kfp-viz/0*                    active    idle  8888/TCP           
kubeflow-dashboard/0*         active    idle  8082/TCP           
kubeflow-profiles/0*          active    idle  8080/TCP,8081/TCP  
kubeflow-roles/0*             active    idle                     
kubeflow-volumes/0*           active    idle  5000/TCP           
metacontroller-operator/0*    active    idle                     
minio/0*                      active    idle  9000/TCP,9001/TCP  
oidc-gatekeeper/0*            active    idle  8080/TCP           
seldon-controller-manager/0*  active    idle  8080/TCP,4443/TCP  
training-operator/0*          active    idle        

It seems this fix is not working with microk8s Version 1.22.

Does anyone have an idea how to get kubeflow up and running?

Hello @ried Thank you for raising this. This command should force the charm to create the gateway by itself:

juju run --unit istio-pilot/0 -- "export JUJU_DISPATCH_PATH=hooks/config-changed; ./dispatch"

If it does not work the first time please try executing again. We will also update the quickstart guide with this new command.

I’m having the same issue with being unable to access the dashboard as others, copy/pasting the exact commands above on Ubuntu 20.04.

I have a gateway:

NAMESPACE   NAME               AGE
kubeflow    kubeflow-gateway   57m

If I use this I can access the dashboard via localhost:9092, but as others have noted the subpages don’t work:

kubectl -n kubeflow port-forward svc/kubeflow-dashboard 9092:8082

I see assigned to the external IP:

istio-ingressgateway-workload        LoadBalancer   80:30680/TCP,443:31675/TCP              23h

Snap info for microk8s shows v1.22.15.

When I navigate to in my browser, it redirects to with some request params in the URL, but my browser shows: “Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.”

Running busybox in the namespace, I can wget and appear to get a login page, so that’s presumably what I’m looking for? But I don’t see it when accessing from a local browser outside busybox. Note this is not remote access, this is the same machine as my microk8s cluster.

Juju status shows everything green and idle.

Given this is a vanilla Ubuntu distro and local access, and I copy/pasted the commands exactly, I’d expect this to just work? But I did need to blast away the kubernetes cluster and rebuild once in the process due to the disk filling, and juju not cleaning up very well.


Hi @mmattb,

Sorry you’re having troubles. I’m not sure what is going wrong, but at least have a few questions.

In your post you said " When I navigate to in my browser, it redirects to" - did you mean the reverse? I’d expect to redirect to the gateway at (making everything look as if you’d gone to a public website with that name). I think based on your message you did it correctly but just had it backwards in the post, but fingers crossed this sorts everything out.

If that doesn’t help, I wonder if something gets in the way of how nip.io functions. I’m not an expert on DNS and such things, but I believe modem, router, and ISP configuration among other things can block what nip.io is doing. Can you test nip.io with something else in your network, to confirm it is the problem? I see posts like this git issue talking about solutions - trying this one or searching for other generic nip.io fixes might help.


Looks like the tutorial for setting up remote access has been moved to this URL: