Pylibjuju Release Notes

Pylibjuju enables you to drive Juju from Python, easing operations from day 2 and beyond. It is a toolkit for adding automation to your projects. Pylibjuju enables you to manage your Juju controllers, models, applications and units.

This is a release of the Pylibjuju 3.x, which corresponds to the Juju 3.x track, and brings out the fresh right out of the oven user secrets that’s shipped with the Juju 3.3 very recently. :tada:

How do I get it?

The best way to get your hands on this release of Pylibjuju is to use pypi:

pip install juju

What’s Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: Comparing · juju/python-libjuju · GitHub

Feedback Appreciated!

We encourage everyone to let us know how you’re using Pylibjuju. Please ask questions on on Discourse, send us a message on Twitter using the hashtag #jujucharms.