Prometheus Openstack exporter should be replaced


The Prometheus Openstack exporter (Deploy Prometheus Openstack Exporter using Charmhub - The Open Operator Collection) uses the old Canonical Openstack exporter ( which is pretty outdated and barely maintained. There is a newer, more complete and actively maintained exporter on Github ( This one is written in Go, it is based on Gophercloud which is a Go Openstack client library and they even provide a Snap (Install golang-openstack-exporter on Linux | Snap Store).

Supporting this exporter would provide better and more complete metrics towards Openstack and since this is already Snap based, the most complicated part would be to rewrite the Grafana dashboards to adjust to the new metrics.

It would also be a lot better to mutualize developpers efforts on one complete exporter than spreading the efforts on multiple, incompatible and incomplete exporters for the same service (Openstack).

Best regards.

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Hey @Hybrid512!

Thank you for reaching out. This change is currently blocked in our pipeline and we would love to collaborate with you to address performance and response time of the new project.

@peppepetra86 reached out mid December and filed issue #214 noting metrics gathering on large clouds is not meeting the expected prometheus scrape-timeout of 15 seconds.

The charm enhancement request is being tracked in lp#1920213.