Preferred storage error not available during bootstrap following Juju Microk8s docs

ERROR preferred storage “” not available Seen this post with similar error but the solution there didn’t work for me. Maybe I can wait a day?? and try again???

cloudop@cloudoperator:~$ juju bootstrap microk8s --bootstrap-constraints cores=2 --constraints mem=4G con-juju --verbose --debug --agent-version="2.9.22"
02:53:05 INFO  juju.cmd supercommand.go:56 running juju [2.9.25 0 695d9bc09df0725a168df52707336bb6a3a92ff7 gc go1.17.6]
02:53:05 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:57   args: []string{"/snap/juju/18221/bin/juju", "bootstrap", "microk8s", "--bootstrap-constraints", "cores=2", "--constraints", "mem=4G", "con-juju", "--verbose", "--debug", "--agent-version=2.9.22"}
02:53:07 DEBUG juju.kubernetes.provider provider.go:140 opening model "add-cloud".
ERROR preferred storage "" not available

ryzengrind@calm-fox:~$ microk8s enable storage; microk8s status --wait-ready 
DEPRECIATION WARNING: 'storage' is deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use 'hostpath-storage' instead.

Enabling default storage class.
WARNING: Hostpath storage is not suitable for production environments.

deployment.apps/hostpath-provisioner created created
serviceaccount/microk8s-hostpath created created created
Storage will be available soon.
microk8s is running
high-availability: yes
  datastore master nodes:
  datastore standby nodes: none
    dns                  # CoreDNS
    ha-cluster           # Configure high availability on the current node
    helm3                # Helm 3 - Kubernetes package manager
    hostpath-storage     # Storage class; allocates storage from host directory
    dashboard            # The Kubernetes dashboard
    dashboard-ingress    # Ingress definition for Kubernetes dashboard
    helm                 # Helm 2 - the package manager for Kubernetes
    host-access          # Allow Pods connecting to Host services smoothly
    ingress              # Ingress controller for external access
    linkerd              # Linkerd is a service mesh for Kubernetes and other frameworks
    metallb              # Loadbalancer for your Kubernetes cluster
    metrics-server       # K8s Metrics Server for API access to service metrics
    openebs              # OpenEBS is the open-source storage solution for Kubernetes
    portainer            # Portainer UI for your Kubernetes cluster
    prometheus           # Prometheus operator for monitoring and logging
    rbac                 # Role-Based Access Control for authorisation
    registry             # Private image registry exposed on localhost:32000
    traefik              # traefik Ingress controller for external access
ryzengrind@calm-fox:~$ snap info microk8s
name:      microk8s
summary:   Kubernetes for workstations and appliances
publisher: Canonical✓
license:   unset
description: |
  MicroK8s is a small, fast, secure, single node Kubernetes that installs on
  just about any Linux box. Use it for offline development, prototyping,
  testing, or use it on a VM as a small, cheap, reliable k8s for CI/CD. It's
  also a great k8s for appliances - develop your IoT apps for k8s and deploy
  them to MicroK8s on your boxes.
  - microk8s.add-node
  - microk8s.cilium
  - microk8s.config
  - microk8s.ctr
  - microk8s.dashboard-proxy
  - microk8s.dbctl
  - microk8s.disable
  - microk8s.enable
  - microk8s.helm
  - microk8s.helm3
  - microk8s.inspect
  - microk8s.istioctl
  - microk8s.join
  - microk8s.juju
  - microk8s.kubectl
  - microk8s.leave
  - microk8s.linkerd
  - microk8s
  - microk8s.refresh-certs
  - microk8s.remove-node
  - microk8s.reset
  - microk8s.start
  - microk8s.status
  - microk8s.stop
  microk8s.daemon-apiserver:            simple, enabled, inactive
  microk8s.daemon-apiserver-kicker:     simple, enabled, active
  microk8s.daemon-cluster-agent:        simple, enabled, active
  microk8s.daemon-containerd:           notify, enabled, active
  microk8s.daemon-control-plane-kicker: simple, enabled, inactive
  microk8s.daemon-controller-manager:   simple, enabled, inactive
  microk8s.daemon-etcd:                 simple, enabled, inactive
  microk8s.daemon-flanneld:             simple, enabled, inactive
  microk8s.daemon-k8s-dqlite:           simple, enabled, active
  microk8s.daemon-kubelet:              simple, enabled, inactive
  microk8s.daemon-kubelite:             simple, enabled, active
  microk8s.daemon-proxy:                simple, enabled, inactive
  microk8s.daemon-scheduler:            simple, enabled, inactive
  microk8s.daemon-traefik:              simple, enabled, inactive
snap-id:      EaXqgt1lyCaxKaQCU349mlodBkDCXRcg
tracking:     latest/beta
refresh-date: 5 days ago, at 04:39 UTC
  1.23/stable:      v1.23.3  2022-01-27 (2954) 192MB classic
  1.23/candidate:   v1.23.3  2022-01-27 (2954) 192MB classic
  1.23/beta:        v1.23.3  2022-01-27 (2954) 192MB classic
  1.23/edge:        v1.23.4  2022-02-23 (3024) 192MB classic
  latest/stable:    v1.23.3  2022-02-05 (2954) 192MB classic
  latest/candidate: v1.23.3  2022-01-27 (2955) 192MB classic
  latest/beta:      v1.23.3  2022-01-27 (2955) 192MB classic
  latest/edge:      v1.23.4  2022-03-09 (3043) 194MB classic
  1.22/stable:      v1.22.6  2022-02-06 (2952) 168MB classic
  1.22/candidate:   v1.22.6  2022-01-27 (2952) 168MB classic
  1.22/beta:        v1.22.6  2022-01-27 (2952) 168MB classic
  1.22/edge:        v1.22.7  2022-02-21 (3012) 168MB classic
  1.21/stable:      v1.21.9  2022-02-06 (2953) 167MB classic
  1.21/candidate:   v1.21.9  2022-01-27 (2953) 167MB classic
  1.21/beta:        v1.21.9  2022-01-27 (2953) 167MB classic
  1.21/edge:        v1.21.10 2022-02-21 (3013) 167MB classic
  1.20/stable:      v1.20.13 2021-12-08 (2762) 189MB classic
  1.20/candidate:   v1.20.13 2021-12-08 (2762) 189MB classic
  1.20/beta:        v1.20.13 2021-12-08 (2762) 189MB classic
  1.20/edge:        v1.20.14 2022-01-11 (2852) 185MB classic
  1.19/stable:      v1.19.15 2021-09-30 (2535) 184MB classic
  1.19/candidate:   v1.19.15 2021-09-29 (2535) 184MB classic
  1.19/beta:        v1.19.15 2021-09-29 (2535) 184MB classic
  1.19/edge:        v1.19.16 2022-01-07 (2823) 180MB classic
  1.18/stable:      v1.18.20 2021-07-18 (2272) 169MB classic
  1.18/candidate:   v1.18.20 2021-07-12 (2272) 169MB classic
  1.18/beta:        v1.18.20 2021-07-12 (2272) 169MB classic
  1.18/edge:        v1.18.20 2021-11-03 (2651) 169MB classic
  1.17/stable:      v1.17.17 2021-04-03 (1923) 149MB classic
  1.17/candidate:   v1.17.17 2021-04-03 (1923) 149MB classic
  1.17/beta:        v1.17.17 2021-04-03 (1923) 149MB classic
  1.17/edge:        v1.17.17 2021-01-13 (1923) 149MB classic
  1.16/stable:      v1.16.15 2020-09-11 (1672) 150MB classic
  1.16/candidate:   v1.16.15 2020-09-03 (1672) 150MB classic
  1.16/beta:        v1.16.15 2020-09-03 (1672) 150MB classic
  1.16/edge:        v1.16.15 2020-09-02 (1672) 150MB classic
  1.15/stable:      v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1305) 144MB classic
  1.15/candidate:   v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1305) 144MB classic
  1.15/beta:        v1.15.11 2020-03-27 (1305) 144MB classic
  1.15/edge:        v1.15.11 2020-03-26 (1305) 144MB classic
  1.14/stable:      v1.14.10 2019-12-20 (1121) 164MB classic
  1.14/candidate:   ↑                                
  1.14/beta:        ↑                                
  1.14/edge:        v1.14.10 2020-03-26 (1306) 164MB classic
  1.13/stable:      v1.13.6  2019-05-20  (580) 173MB classic
  1.13/candidate:   ↑                                
  1.13/beta:        ↑                                
  1.13/edge:        ↑                                
  1.12/stable:      v1.12.9  2019-06-07  (613) 197MB classic
  1.12/candidate:   ↑                                
  1.12/beta:        ↑                                
  1.12/edge:        ↑                                
  1.11/stable:      –                                
  1.11/candidate:   –                                
  1.11/beta:        –                                
  1.11/edge:        v1.11.1  2018-07-24  (138) 164MB classic
  1.10/stable:      –                                
  1.10/candidate:   –                                
  1.10/beta:        –                                
  1.10/edge:        v1.11.1  2018-07-24  (137) 164MB classic
installed:          v1.23.3             (2955) 192MB classic   

cloudop@cloudoperator:~$ juju status
ERROR No controllers registered.

Please either create a new controller using "juju bootstrap" or connect to
another controller that you have been given access to using "juju register".

cloudop@cloudoperator:~$ juju debug-log
ERROR No controllers registered.

Please either create a new controller using "juju bootstrap" or connect to
another controller that you have been given access to using "juju register".

cloudop@cloudoperator:~$ juju clouds
Only clouds with registered credentials are shown.
There are more clouds, use --all to see them.
You can bootstrap a new controller using one of these clouds...

Clouds available on the client:
Cloud       Regions  Default    Type  Credentials  Source    Description
localhost   1        localhost  lxd   0            built-in  LXD Container Hypervisor
maas-cloud  1        default    maas  1            local     Metal As A Service
maas-mk8s   1        default    maas  1            local     Metal As A Service
microk8s    1        localhost  k8s   0            built-in  A Kubernetes Cluster

Any insight on how I can bootstrap a juju controller on my arm64 RPI cluster would be greatly appreciated.

cloudop@cloudoperator:~$ kubectl get storageclass
microk8s-hostpath (default)   Delete          Immediate           false                  26m