Please transfer ownership of traefik-route charm and lib to Observability Platform and Admin


Could you please transfer the ownership of Deploy traefik-route-k8s using Charmhub - The Open Operator Collection and Deploy traefik-route-k8s using Charmhub - The Open Operator Collection (not sure if charm ownership entails charm lib ownership) to “Observability Platform” plus “Observability Admin”?


Pietro and the o11y folks


what’s the Launchpad username of “Observability Platform”?

Do you want “Observability Admin” as a collaborator? if so, I’ll also need the Launchpad username.


  • Daniel

This one: Observability in Launchpad

apparently there’s only one. No separate admins group. We got confused with the github orgs.

Thanks, Let me know if anything else is needed:

Transfer traefik-route-k8s to observability
{'ok': True}

  • Daniel
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