Please transfer the ownership of the following charms to “Canonical Telco” (@telco-charmers).
- magma-orchestrator-interface
- radisys-du-du
- radisys-cn-smf-oam-server
- radisys-du-pf-svcmon
- radisys-du-oam-oructrl
- radisys-cn-amf
- radisys-du-oam-sysmgr
- radisys-cn-amf-oam-server
- radisys-du-oam-server
- radisys-du-oam-event
- radisys-du-bbdev-config
- radisys-cu
- radisys-cn-upf-oam-server
- radisys-du-pf-syncmon
- radisys-cn-upf
- srs-enb-ue
- radisys-cn-smf
Also, in launchpad, the team name is “Canonical Telco” but in charmhub it is “Telco Charmers” which was the old name on Launchpad. Can we change the owner name to “Canonical Telco” for all charms that are marked as “Telco Charmers”.
Thank you,