We have updates across multiple charm this pulse. Stay tuned for even more exciting progress!
- Paas-charm now supports Tempo integration for workload tracing.
Github runner
- The code base of the image builder application has been moved to the charm repository.
- The image builder charm no longer supports building images locally using chroot.
- The image builder charm is no longer supported on ARM architecture.
- Wazuh now supports syslog collection.
- Several stability fixes have been delivered for the Wazuh server charm.
- The 12-Factor RTD site underwent many improvements, including the addition of a “Contributing to this documentation” section on its home page and “Give feedback” buttons on all pages.
- Documentation on the architecture of the charm has been added to the github-runner-image-builder-operator, httprequest-lego-provider and github-runner-operator repositories.The github-runner-operator repository also contains a diagram of the charm integrations.
- The Synapse upgrade is scheduled for Monday, February 17th, from 12:00 to 13:00 UTC.
- The Maubot charm base has been changed to Ubuntu 22.04 to ensure compatibility with Juju 3.1.
- Two OpenCTI connector charms, opencti-ipinfo-connector and opencti-urlhaus-connector was created.
- The hockeypuck minimal charm is now available with configuration options for external peering.
- Some stability fixes regarding TLS certificates management.