ops library 2.15.0 released: Pebble check-failed and check-recovered events

The Charm Tech team has just released version 2.15.0 of the ops framework.

It’s available from PyPI using pip install ops . Upgrade by running pip install --upgrade ops and/or pin to ops==2.15.0 .

This release adds support for new events based on Pebble checks. As of Juju 3.6b2, when a Pebble check reaches the failure threshold, a PebbleCheckFailedEvent will be emitted - and when the check starts passing again, the charm will get a PebbleCheckRecoveredEvent. Kubernetes charms can observe these events to react to failing checks - for example, change the unit or application status, output additional logging, or dynamically adjust the workload to work around the failure.

Additionally, secrets are now passed to juju via files instead of command line arguments.

Read more in the full release notes on GitHub.

Accouncement: This releases fixes CVE-2024-41129, please update your dependencies and push new charm builds if you’re using secrets.