I’ve been working on a k8s charm for the OpenLDAP directory server. This charm uses the SQL backend for OpenLDAP via a cross-model relation to a PostgreSQL database using https://github.com/canonical/ops-lib-pgsql. The charm has unit tests that verify functionality and has been deployed and tested on Microk8s.
The charm is published to the charmstore at https://jaas.ai/u/openldap-charmers/openldap and the code is available here Git : Code : charm-k8s-openldap.
We would be interested in any feedback on the code or the charm itself. Please feel free to file bugs against the project on Launchpad at https://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-k8s-openldap with any issues that you find, or if you’ve got questions about the charm just let me know.
Thanks in advance for your time and attention and a special thank you to John Lenton and Facundo Batista for their feedback during development and to Stuart Bishop for his input.