Offline charmhub & charmstore

Hi, for a few months I have facing the following problem in charm deployments as rummer says my government is intercepting on TLS packets and thus the problem occurred since then.

so I want to know if there is another solution maybe offline install or something that bypass tls handshake.

I have already tested http/https proxy but does not work.

ubuntu@juju:~$ sudo juju deploy cs:~elasticsearch-charmers/bundle/elk-stack-3
ERROR cannot resolve charm URL “cs:~elasticsearch-charmers/bundle/elk-stack-3”: cannot get “/~elasticsearch-charmers/bundle/elk-stack-3/meta/any?include=id&include=supported-series&include=published”: Get “”: net/http: TLS handshake timeout

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Hi Alireza, thanks for posting here :slight_smile:

There’s a good article on deploying charms offline.

Let me know if that helps you - if not, we might be able to find another way.


May I say “God bless you”?
Thank you so much.
I was hopeless with the idea that I cannot deploy software.


Of course you can, God bless you too!

Good luck and have fun with Juju. Let us know if you have anything else blocking you.

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To be honest, I have had this question so far that could not handle it.
Would you please look at this topic

Or if possible someone from openstack charm look at that?