Observability Team Updates - Week 45-46 (2022)

Hi everyone!

Below you’ll find the biweekly updates from the team for weeks 45 and 46.

The Team

The observability team at Canonical consists of Dylan, Jose, Leon, Luca, Pietro, Ryan and Simme. Our goal is to provide you with the best open-source observability stack possible, turning your day-2 operations into smooth sailing.

COS Lite

COS Lite is a light-weight, highly-integrated observability suite, powered by python operators and running on Juju. Find more information on charmhub or go straight to github.

New features

  • Also take yml and yaml rule files (prom/400)


  • Alert rules disappear if k8s cluster gets rebooted (prom/386)
  • Error on application remove (prom/388)
  • Loki does not provide the ingress address over the prometheus_scrape relation (loki/210)
  • New dropdowns do not work with a cos-config dashboard (cos-config/27)
  • Grafana upkeep (grafana/157, grafana/156)

Have a nice week!