Hello, Hola, Ciao, Hej, Hallo, Witam, مرحباً بكم, שלום everyone! 
Below are the team’s updates for weeks 31 to 32 of 2024. First, as always, let’s introduce the fantastic team and what we’re building.
The Team
The Observability team at Canonical consists of three sub-teams, managed by Simme
- Core Team: Leon (Manager), Jose, Luca , Mike
- Mesh Team: Andrew, Dylan, Ibrahim
- Tracing Team: Mateusz, Michael, Pietro
Our goal is to provide you with the best open-source observability stack possible, turning your day-2 operations into smooth sailing.
The Work
Core Team
Besides fixing bugs here and there, and supporting the increasing amount of COS-Lite users, we mainly worked in our Mimir and Loki HA stories.
We added integration tests to Mimir Worker charm and released our first Loki HA version.
Tracing Team
A lot of progress has been don during this Pulse!
Now, grafana agent charm supports Tracing! and we continue to improve our Tempo HA story by creating a bundle and using the generic Coordinated workers lib in Tempo worker charm.
Mesh Team
This pulse the mesh team continued its focus on getting closer to have a full working path of the istio charm .
Also, we squashed numerous bugs, here, here, here, etc throughout the stack!
Feedback welcome
As always, feedback is very welcome! Feel free to let us know your thoughts, questions, or suggestions either here or on our Matrix channel .
That’s all for this time! See you again in two weeks!