Noob, is this a good use case for edge cloud? Home-Lab and remote marina property

I’m a former developer nerd who now is only nerd’ing in my hobby and personal projects.

One of my personal projects is that I live at location ‘H’ and have a second property 'M" that is a small marina property with some boat slips for rent. Home and Marina zones.

I currently manage my M property with a single mini-micro machine that runs some docker apps (reverse proxy and idm) and some native ubuntu apps (node-red). At the marina location it is important for the system to interact with physical things at the site such as magnetic locks and sensors. The marina property does NOT have an ideal environmental environment for computers. High humidity, no air conditioning, etc etc.

I am rarely at the marina and am usually interacting at the site via remote management. Early on the local guy would call me and say the system was not working and I would log in and see that after a power outage maybe some docker service did not start properly. I worked out most of those kinks.

BUT, now I am exploring new ways of doing things…

Is it a reasonable use case to consider a primary home-lab maas cloud of micro-minis (I have five at home and one at the marina) for the bulk of my ecosystem and having some sort of edge-cloud at the marina to interact with the physical devices?

This would be a dual goal exercise of learning and also “production” where 99.9% uptime is not required but quick recovery of failure IS important with an SLA time of hours or days being acceptable.

My most recent lab exercise is using a pi maas controller serving the five micro/minis. Good progress on the lab and currently working on getting Intel AMT to control the devices rather than manually net-booting.

Thanks for any advice.