MySQL Router K8s Reference | Revision X/Y

This page is a work in progress for a future release.

Reference > Release Notes > All releases > Revision X/Y

Revision X/Y


Dear community,

Canonical’s newest Charmed MySQL Router K8s operator has been published in the 8.0/stable channel.

Due to the newly added support for arm64 architecture, the MySQL Router K8s charm now releases two revisions simultaneously:

  • Revision X is built for amd64
  • Revision Y is built for arm64

To make sure you deploy for the right architecture, we recommend setting an architecture constraint for your entire Juju model.

Otherwise, you can specify the architecture at deploy time with the --constraints flag as follows:

juju deploy mysql-router-k8s --constraints arch=<arch> --trust

where <arch> can be amd64 or arm64.