I have setup COS-lite observability stack on my computer with microk8s and juju by following some threads here in the discourse.
The thing is, after I enable the addon metallb with the following IP-range everything works just fine. But after a reboot of the system traefik won’t get an IP-address assigned from metallb.
What am I missing here? and is metallb the way to go in a production environment?
We are planning to use this with grafana-agent later in a local environment.
I believe I’ve seen this issue and its related to the fact that the service definition for the deployed charms gets reverted back to type: ClusterIP rather than type: LoadBalancer as patched by the traefik charm.
The code that does this patching and hence exposes a service via a LoadBalancer only runs on install/upgrade-charm in older lib versions - newer versions of the patcher lib do this on upgrade charm as well.
I think what he just said is that it is/(used to be) a bug in the KubernetesServicePatch lib that should be fixed. What revision of traefik are you using? and what is the version of KubernetesServicePatch?
A bit older version it seems. Should I build the package my self instead to get the latest versions?
Been using the bundle (juju deploy cos-lite --trust)
EDIT: ah you have the edge version. will try that instead. Thanks!
I think you can upgrade the charm to edge without breaking stuff, but either way redeploying on k8s is cheap (I presume you’re talking about a development environment)
The address is still there now which is great. I think this for sure would be a great thing to update the stable version since this will haunt us for sure going forward.