Looking for an upgrade of the dinosaur redis charm

Is there anyone who knows who to poke to get a more recent version of the “redis” charm? Deploy Redis using Charmhub - The Open Operator Collection

The current version deploys on 14.04 which is … old … I would love to test a more recent version…

@jamesbeedy ?

Hello Erik!

As you say, the Redis machine charm is quite old. Unfortunately, it is no longer being maintained. For that reason it will be unlisted from Charmhub in the near future.

As an alternative, you can use the k8s charm, which is more up to date. Moreover, we are actively working on upgrading the k8s charm to use the latest Operator Framework and create an equivalent machine charm from it.

If you want to try the latest updates, you can find the source code on Github, with instructions on how to build and deploy on a development environment. Feel free to file any issues that you might find.

Sorry, I don’t know K8.

This means that I have to cre-create the redis charm?

In this case, you can still use the existing machine charm, even if it’s going to be deprecated. Even when unlisted on Charmhub, juju deploy redis will work. The upgrade from our side will take some time, as we are working on the k8s charm first.

If you want to give it a try with a microk8s environment, using juju deploy redis-k8s, feel free to reach out on Matermost for help!