List connected models for a offer

I’m wondering if there is a easy way to list the names of the models where the connected applications are deployed for a offer? E.g. If I have this in a model how can I print the model names where the 14 connected applications are deployed

Offer         Application   Charm         Rev  Connected  Endpoint    Interface    Role
ethereum      geth          geth          8    14/14      rpc-url     rpc-http     provider

Hey Jonathan, This is a great question, you can see the model-uuid’s of the consumers with:

juju offers <application-name> --format=yaml

I’m not sure of a way to see the model names themselves, but if you do juju models --format=yaml you will be able to see the model name and uuid side by side.

This is not particularly intuitive or well documented so its good that you asked!

- Alastair

That is very helpful thanks!