LEGO Operator docs - index

LEGO is a Let’s Encrypt/ACME client and library written in Go. It makes it possible to request X509 certificates from an ACME server for Public Domain Names.

The LEGO operator utilises this library to provide X.509 certificates to charms using the tls-certificates integration in contexts where certificates are obtained from an ACME server using the DNS-01 challenge.

This operator supports a wide range of DNS providers and can request certificate from any ACME-compliant server, including Let’s Encrypt.

As a workload-less solution, the LEGO operator works across both Kubernetes and Machine models.

In this documentation

Get started - a hands-on introduction for new users
How-to guides
Step-by-step guides covering key operations and common tasks
Concepts - discussion and clarification of key topics
Technical information - specifications, APIs, architecture

Project and community

LEGO operator is a member of the Ubuntu family. It’s an open source project that warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, fixes and constructive feedback.


Level Path Navlink
1 how-to How-to guides
2 configure Configure with your DNS provider information
3 httpreq httpreq
3 route53 route53
3 namecheap namecheap
2 h-how-to-integrate-with-cos Integrate with COS
1 explanation Explanation
2 h-reference-changes Changes from the old DNS-plugin-specific LEGO charms
1 reference Reference
2 tls TLS
2 h-reference-dns01 The ACME DNS-01 Challenge
2 h-reference-dns-agent The LEGO DNS Agent
2 h-reference-solving-dns-01 Solving the DNS-01 challenge