Kubeflow rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition

I deploy kubeflow in k8s cluster,but now it in error status,pasted here.

argo-controller/0* error idle OCI image pull error: rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = failed to pull and unpack image "registry.jujucharms.com/argo-charmers/argo-controller/oci-image@sha256:c1746aec607fac57e7e5006329b58c7a566f042c5bf0cf3cbae192adc5b06bb5": failed commit on ref "layer-sha256:2e2462c07d2af70a0af7ef14ba643c28c1d854336996c534e193e69dcd32df64": "layer-sha256:2e2462c07d2af70a0af7ef14ba643c28c1d854336996c534e193e69dcd32df64" failed size validation: 3920502 != 24609777: failed precondition

How can resolved it?
Thank you.

It is resolved.

The Internet linkline is too busy to get the data.

In beijing time 6:00 , The data download speed fast.

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