KFP charms from Charmed Kubeflow 1.7 migrated to channel 2.0-alpha.7

Important announcement for Charmed Kubeflow 1.7 users

The following change was introduced in the channels of Kubeflow Pipelines charms:

All KFP charms from channel 2.0 are moved to channel 2.0-alpha.7

If you are using Charmed Kubeflow 1.7, make sure to switch KFP charms to channel 2.0-alpha.7. To do this, run:

juju refresh kfp-api --channel=2.0-alpha.7/stable
juju refresh kfp-persistence --channel=2.0-alpha.7/stable
juju refresh kfp-profile-controller --channel=2.0-alpha.7/stable
juju refresh kfp-schedwf --channel=2.0-alpha.7/stable
juju refresh kfp-ui --channel=2.0-alpha.7/stable
juju refresh kfp-viewer --channel=2.0-alpha.7/stable
juju refresh kfp-viz --channel=2.0-alpha.7/stable

This is necessary so you don’t bring in any breaking changes to your deployment in case of refreshing your charms. Channel 2.0 will shortly contain the charms for kfp 2.0 GA, supported in the upcoming 1.8 release.

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