keystone docs - index


The keystone charm deploys Keystone, the core OpenStack service that provides API client authentication, service discovery, and distributed multi-tenant authorisation. The charm works alongside other Juju-deployed OpenStack services.

Important: This documentation supports version 3.x of the Juju client. See the OpenStack Charm guide if you are using the 2.9.x client.



To display all configuration option information run juju config <application>. If the application is not deployed then see the charm’s Configure tab. Finally, the Juju documentation provides general guidance on configuring applications.


Keystone is often containerised. Here a single unit is deployed to a new container on machine ‘1’:

juju deploy --to lxd:1 keystone

Now connect the keystone application to an existing cloud database. The database application is determined by the series. Prior to focal percona-cluster is used, otherwise it is mysql-innodb-cluster. In the example deployment below mysql-innodb-cluster has been chosen.

juju deploy mysql-router keystone-mysql-router
juju integrate keystone-mysql-router:db-router mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router
juju integrate keystone-mysql-router:shared-db keystone:shared-db


The keystone:shared-db relation added at deployment time stores the Keystone admin password in the cloud database. By default this password is generated randomly but, for testing purposes, can be set via the admin-password configuration option. This option can also be used to view and change the password post-deployment.


This charm supports actions.

Actions allow specific operations to be performed on a per-unit basis. To display actions and their descriptions run juju actions --schema <application>. If the application is not deployed then see the charm’s Actions tab.

High availability

When more than one unit is deployed with the hacluster application the charm will bring up an HA active/active cluster.

There are two mutually exclusive high availability options: using virtual IP(s) or DNS. In both cases the hacluster subordinate charm is used to provide the Corosync and Pacemaker backend HA functionality.

See OpenStack high availability in the Charm Guide for details.


Communication between Keystone and cloud services (as well as the OpenStack client) can be encrypted with TLS. Keystone also publishes API endpoints for the cloud (e.g. cinder, glance, keystone, neutron, nova, and placement), which may be TLS-based.

There are two methods for managing TLS keys and certificates:

  1. with Vault
  2. manually (via charm options)

Vault can set up private keys and server certificates for an application. It can also store a central CA certificate for the cloud. See the vault charm for more information.

Vault is the recommended method and is what will be covered here.

The private key and server certificate (and its signing) are enabled via a relation made to the vault application:

juju integrate keystone:certificates vault:certificates

Other applications

When Keystone is TLS-enabled every application that talks to Keystone (i.e. there exists a relation between the two) must be in possession of the signing CA cert. This is achieved by adding a relation between the application and Vault. Doing so will also encrypt the application’s own endpoint. For example, the Placement API:

juju integrate placement:certificates vault:certificates

Vault will issue certificates to the application and Keystone will update the corresponding API endpoint from HTTP to HTTPS.

Note: API endpoints can be listed with openstack catalog list.


This charm supports network spaces.

Spaces allow for user-defined network traffic segmentation, which can have various uses (e.g. traffic isolation as a security measure). The Network spaces page in the Charm Guide covers spaces in a Charmed OpenStack context.

Note: Existing deployments using os\-\*-network configuration options will continue to function; these options will override any network space configuration.

Policy overrides

This charm supports the policy overrides feature.

Policy overrides allow an operator to override the default policy of an OpenStack service. See Policy overrides for more information on this feature.


The charm supports the following relations. They are primarily of use to developers:

  • identity-admin: Used by charms to obtain the credentials for the admin user. This is intended for charms that automatically provision users, tenants, etc.

  • identity-credentials: Used by charms to obtain Keystone credentials without creating a service catalogue entry. Set ‘username’ only on the relation and Keystone will set defaults and return authentication details. Possible relation settings:

    • username: Username to be created.
    • project: Project (tenant) name to be created. Defaults to service’s project.
    • requested_roles: Comma-delimited list of roles to be created.
    • requested_grants: Comma-delimited list of roles to be granted. Defaults to Admin role.
    • domain: Keystone v3 domain the user will be created in. Defaults to the Default domain.
  • identity-notifications: Used to broadcast messages to services listening on the corresponding interface.

  • identity-service: Used by API endpoints to request an entry in the Keystone service catalogue and the endpoint template catalogue.

    Note: The identity-service relation is not used by Horizon (see keystone-service instead).

    When a relation is established Keystone receives the following data from the requesting API endpoint:

    • service_name
    • region
    • public_url
    • admin_url
    • internal_url

    Keystone verifies that the requested service is supported (the list of supported services should remain updated). The following will occur for a supported service:

    1. an entry in the service catalogue is created
    2. an endpoint template is created
    3. an admin token is generated.

    The API endpoint receives the token and is informed of the ports that Keystone is listening on.

  • keystone-service: Used only by Horizon. Horizon requests its configured default role and Keystone responds with a token. Horizon also receives the authentication and admin ports on which Keystone is listening.

  • nrpe-external-master: Used to generate Nagios checks.

Further resources

The below topics are covered in the Charm Guide.

  • Security compliance: Shows how to use the password-security-compliance charm option to set Keystone’s security compliance configuration.

  • Token support: Provides a background of Keystone keys and tokens. It explains key rotation, and how to use the fernet-max-active-keys and token-expiration charm options.


The OpenStack Charms project maintains two documentation guides:


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