Juju models hanging? v2.9.33 with LXD@5.4

Anyone experienced the command juju models hanging forever? I can list controllers… do other things… even switch models if I can recall the names… but it seems juju models never completes nor errors out…?

machine is Kubuntu 22.04

$ juju --version
$ lxd --version

EDIT: Update, after a while I finally see an error message… though not sure how to proceed other than file a bug report

juju models
dial tcp i/o timeout
ERROR dial tcp i/o timeout

I’ve filed a bug in launchpad… and today on a different 22.04 LTS machine… I’ve got multiple LXD containers all in state DOWN … seems like somethings happened to LXD perhaps??

Model       Controller           Cloud/Region         Version  SLA          Timestamp
stonks-dev  localhost-localhost  localhost/localhost  2.9.32   unsupported  22:53:41+02:00

App               Version  Status  Scale  Charm             Channel  Rev  Exposed  Message
airflow-stnks     2.2.3    active    0/1  airflow-stnks     beta       4  no       (u) Apache Airflow listening on 8080: 23:43
apache-superset   2.0.0    active    0/1  apache-superset   beta      14  no       (u) Apache Superset listening on 8088: 23:46
meltano           2.3.0    active    0/1  meltano           beta      10  no       (u) Meltano is already running on 5000 : 23:43
meltano-stnks     0.0.4    active    0/1  meltano-stnks                1  no       (u) Meltano is already running on 5000 : 23:43
postgresql        12.11    active    0/1  postgresql        stable   241  no       Live master (12.11)
postgresql-stnks  0.0.1    active    0/1  postgresql-stnks  beta       7  no       (u) Idle awaiting command requests 23:46

Unit                  Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
airflow-stnks/4       unknown   lost   23   8080/tcp  agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log airflow-stnks/4'
apache-superset/4     unknown   lost   22   8088/tcp  agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log apache-superset/4'
meltano/4             unknown   lost   24    5000/tcp  agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log meltano/4'
  meltano-stnks/3     unknown   lost                agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log meltano-stnks/3'
postgresql/4          unknown   lost   20    5432/tcp  agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log postgresql/4'
  postgresql-stnks/3  unknown   lost                agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log postgresql-stnks/3'

Machine  State  Address        Inst id         Series  AZ  Message
20       down   juju-cf82d6-20  focal       Running
22       down  juju-cf82d6-22  focal       Running
23       down  juju-cf82d6-23  focal       Running
24       down   juju-cf82d6-24  focal       Running

I can SSH into the units… reboot them but… any ideas how to get into a good state here? these charms are all unchanged from their working states way back when so… unsure what’s happened but feels like LXD has done something

I rebooted and…seems the problem went away… if it occurs again and again I’ll come back