Juju: How to deploy bundle by sequence application

Hi All,

I need help on how to set the deployed bundle by sequence application. My objective is to install LXD first followed by ceph-mon and ceph-osd because I was planning to run ceph-mon as a container.

Here is my bundle YAML file:

series: &series focal variables: osd-devices: &osd-devices /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde expected-osd-count: &expected-osd-count 12 expected-mon-count: &expected-mon-count 3

local_overlay_enabled: False

machines: ‘0’: series: focal constraints: tags=cx1-innodev-ceph ‘1’: series: focal constraints: tags=cx1-innodev-ceph ‘2’: series: focal constraints: tags=cx1-innodev-ceph


lxd: series: focal annotations: gui-x: ‘790’ gui-y: ‘1540’ charm: lxd channel: latest/stable options: lxd-listen-https: true mode: cluster num_units: 3 to: - 0 - 1 - 2

ceph-mon: series: focal annotations: gui-x: ‘790’ gui-y: ‘1540’ #constraints: tags=ceph-mon-prod charm: ceph-mon #channel: latest/edge num_units: 3 options: expected-osd-count: *expected-osd-count monitor-count: *expected-mon-count bindings: “public”: stgenv-pxe “cluster”: storage-pxe to: - lxd:0 - lxd:1 - lxd:2

ceph-osd: series: focal annotations: gui-x: ‘1065’ gui-y: ‘1540’ charm: ceph-osd #channel: latest/edge num_units: 3 options: osd-devices: *osd-devices bindings: “public”: stgenv-pxe “cluster”: storage-pxe to: - ‘0’ - ‘1’ - ‘2’


    • lxd:ceph
    • ceph-mon:client
    • ceph-osd:mon
    • ceph-mon:osd

I hope I get an answer & help regarding my post sooner from all GURU.