I just installed Juju controller on a MAAS environement, which is behind a proxy
the MAAS can deploy machines without problems as I setted the proxy in the WebUI
when I wanted to deploy juju controller, it got in timeout because the machine cannot access the Internet to get Juju agent
so came the solution of this config file :
default-series: bionic
> apt-http-proxy: "``"
> apt-https-proxy: ""
> apt-ftp-proxy: ""
> http-proxy: ""
> https-proxy: ""
> ftp-proxy: ""
> no-proxy: ",,"
cloudinit-userdata: |
- |
indentation is okay in my file
I had to specify proxy’s CA certificate to have wget and apt work on the juju’s controller
So i deployed my controller :
juju bootstrap my-maas --to alive-tetra.maas --config=config.yaml my-controller
and it deploy like it should
but then, when I type “juju gui”, here is the error :
ERROR Juju GUI is not available: GET Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
the port 17070 is listening in “netstat -laputen”
I added manually the CA certificate in “” (I thought it will already be there with my config file, but nope)
I can’t find anything on this error, I must be missing something
Thank you for your help