Juju feature and compatibility matrix

Draft: This document is not authoritative. If you encounter a mistake, please either make corrections directly, or add a comment below if you would prefer.

Juju is an evolving system and supports a wide array of underlying infrastructure. Not all things are possible on all combinations of infrastructure and so this is a general guideline of support for functionality.

Provider Instance Creation Spaces Management Storage Management Firewall Management LXD containers KVM containers Container Networking
LXD Localhost Y - Y - Y Y -
LXD Cluster Y - Y Y Y Y -
OpenStack Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Google Y - Y - Y Y -
Azure Y - Y - Y Y -
Oracle Y - Y - Y Y -
Manual - - - - Y Y -

Feature Definitions

Instance Creation


Juju can automatically create machine instances on behalf of an administrator. By default, the juju deploy command will use this functionality to automatically provision new capacity.

Providers without this capability require administrators to manually execute juju add-machine ssh:<user>@<host> or juju add-machine winrm:<user>@<host> to register machines with Juju.

Acceptance Criteria

  • juju add-machine provisions a new machine when no arguments are supplied
  • juju deploy provisions a new machine when default arguments are supplied



Networks are modelled by Juju as “spaces”. They enable administrators to prevent specific applications from being directly accessed by the Internet.

Acceptance Criteria

The provider supports the following commands:

  • juju add-space
  • juju add-subnet
  • juju bind
  • juju reload-spaces
  • juju subnets
  • juju deploy respects the spaces constraint
  • juju add-machine respects the spaces constraint

Further Documentation



Juju interacts with cloud providers’ API to provide persistent storage volumes.

Acceptance Criteria

The provider supports:

  • juju add-storage
  • juju add-storage-pool
  • juju import-filesystem
  • juju remove-storage
  • juju remove-storage-pool
  • juju storage
  • juju storage-pools
  • juju show-storage
  • juju deploy respects --attach-storage
  • juju deploy respects --storage

Further Documentation



Juju will manage firewalls and security groups on providers where there is an API to manage. Administrators interact with firewall APIs via the juju expose command.

Acceptance Criteria

The provider supports:

  • juju expose interacts with a provider’s API to open network access to unit(s)
  • juju unexpose interacts with a provider’s API to restrict network access to unit(s)

LXD containers

Juju directly supports provisioning LXD containers as machines. This can greatly increase application density.

Acceptance criteria

Provider supports the following commands:

  • juju add-machine lxd
  • juju deploy --to lxd

KVM containers

Juju directly supports provisioning KVM containers as machines. This can greatly increase application density.

Acceptance criteria

Provider supports the following commands:

  • juju add-machine kvm
  • juju deploy --to kvm

Container networking

The provider supports container addresses on the same network as their host.

MAAS and OpenStack allow containers request addresses that are on the same network as the host machines. In this way, a workload placed in a LXD container can be reached by any other service on the same network, containerized or not.


I don’t believe we do any firewall management on LXD. We do have firewall management on AWS, Google, Azure, and Oracle (though Oracle has some know bugs filed).

Hi All,

I’m new to Juju, and a longtime Linode user and fan.

Linode has a REST API for dynamic configs, and supports all the components of Kubernetes-clusters…

How can I tell if it is possible to build the necessary configs(?) that Juju needs in order to add Linode as a supported platform?

Thanks in advance for your help,


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