13:00:20 ERROR juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:776 failed to bootstrap model: cannot start bootstrap instance: unexpected: ServerError: 400 Bad Request ({"distro_series": ["'**bionic**' is not a valid distro_series. It should be one of: '', 'ubuntu/focal'."]})
All lab is based on Ubuntu 20.04 and I can’t understand because it signed me “bionic” when it isn’t present… someone can help me? thanks
Juju takes a conservative approach in swapping to a new LTS. The policy has been that we wait until the .1 release until we swap over by default. Hence Juju by default still chooses bionic for now. You can ask Juju bootstrap on focal by using the --bootstrap-series arg to juju bootstrap.
Sorry you’re running into this. I’ll look into what’s causing this problem, in the mean time you can deploy the GUI manually to your controller by downloading the latest release from Releases · juju/juju-gui · GitHub and then running juju upgrade-gui path/to/tarball
Hi Everyone I’m new to JUJU,MAAS and Openstack I’m using ubuntu 20.04 but juju bootstrap gives me the error
09:33:08 ERROR juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:883 failed to bootstrap model: bootstrap instance started but did not change to Deployed state: instance “hkw4mt” failed to deploy
can anyone help