Juju bootstrap for MaaS fails - Server Error 'NoneType' object for has no attribute 'update'

cannot start bootstrap instance: unexpected: Server Error: 400 BAD REQUEST (Failed to render preseed: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘update’)

juju bootstrap --bootstrap-series=focal --constraints tags=juju --config=config.yaml juju-cloud juju-controller --debug


  • MaaS - 2.9.2 stable and
  • Juju - 2.8.9 - stable version

Error in image:

The basic syntax is:

juju bootstrap <options> <cloud-name> <controller-name>

Minus the options, you have four arguments there instead of two.

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I updated the command; I specified juju-cloud and juju-controller during copy paste it has taken as juju cloud and juju controller. Finally! I am passing only required arguments.