Juju add-machine - provisioner-harvest-mode is set to destroyed


I am trying to add a remote machine to a particular model in my controller.

SSH key authentication works as expected.
Both machines [ controller and remote node ]can ping each other.
Both machines are running on Ubuntu 18.04.

However when trying to add remote machine
juju add-machine ssh:test1@,

from debug-log
controller-0: 11:08:47 INFO juju.worker.provisioner provisioner-harvest-mode is set to destroyed; unknown instances not stopped []
controller-0: 11:09:14 INFO juju.worker.provisioner machine 0 already started as instance “manual:”

I can’t seem to understand what the issue is about.
Can someone kindly help me on this?

When trying to juju ssh 0
ERROR retrieving SSH host keys for “0”: keys not found

Hi @licsuj72,

Was this manual machine previously provisioned w/ Juju? If so, you need to run /sbin/remove-juju-services prior to re-adding it.

If not, you’d need to take a look at the logs on the machine, to see what is going wrong.

~ PeteVG

This is just saying “unknown instances not stopped []” means we didn’t find any instances we didn’t understand, and thus we didn’t stop anything.

This is saying that we don’t need to create an instance for machine 0, because it already is associated with the manual machine you created with “juju add-machine”.

I’m not sure why ‘juju ssh 0’ is failing. I’d have to look at something like ‘juju status’ to see if we finished setting up the machine with an agent. Its plausible that we haven’t finished initializing to report back the machine’s ssh key, to make sure that ‘juju ssh X’ has a secure channel. (We record the ssh fingerprints on the controller so that you don’t have to worry about MITM attacks.)

So it looks like everything got added successfully, but it would be good to have more information.