Juju 2.9.4 Release Notes

The Juju team is proud to release Juju 2.9.4. We aim to be your preferred tool for writing operators, software that manages software, whether your hosting infrastructure is Kubernetes, in the cloud or on-premises.

This release includes important fixes

  • LP #1926566 - stop/remove events not consistently fired sidecar charms removed from model
  • LP #1929566 - adjusting volumes mounts using the kubernetes api breaks the charm data mount
  • LP #1930319 - external macaroon authentication uses in memory root key store
  • LP #1908102 - Juju status fails due to timeout getting MAAS API version

Additional bugs fixed can be found in the milestone page.

New Features

Improved apt-mirror support

Juju has improved how the apt-mirror model config attribute is supported.

  1. Now available on the k8s controller and charm containers.
  2. Value can be changed and existing machines/containers will be updated to use the new value.

Previously, apt-mirror was only used when initially provisioning a machine. It now behaves similarly to the various proxy config attributes - changes will be propagated to running machines and containers.

The apt-mirror value is now also used inside any k8s container running a Juju agent - the controller and any charm container.

Known Issues

k8s model upgrades from 2.8

There’s an issue upgrading k8s 2.8.x models. This will be fixed in the next release.

How do I install Juju?

The best way to get a specific release of Juju is to install the snap from the appropriate channel. snap info juju will give you a list of the current channels and the versions published in them. For the latest stable release of Juju:

sudo snap install juju --classic

The Juju CLI is available for a variety of platforms, including Windows and macOS. Refer to the installation documentation for details.

How do I upgrade?

There are three binaries that make up a Juju deployment - the client, the server and the agents. To upgrade a running system:

Upgrade the client

Make sure you have the version of the Juju CLI that you want running across the system (controller and agents in any deployed models). If you installed the Juju snap, it will automatically be updated daily from the channel you selected, but you might want to `sudo snap switch juju --channel=2.9for example, to get a particular version. To get the latest binary from your channel:

snap refresh juju --channel=2.9

Upgrading the Juju client through other channels

Check version

Make sure that you’re using the Juju version you want.

juju version

What to do if Juju reports an old version

Backing up

The controller state can be saved to allow for recovery in case the upgrade process encounters a serious error.

juju create-backup

Upgrade a Juju server

You can see which servers your client knows about, and their versions, with this command:

juju controllers
Controller  ...  Version
azure*      ...  2.8.3  
jaas        ...  2.7.6  

You can instruct a server to upgrade itself to the latest version:

juju upgrade-controller <controller> 

How to upgrade the controller

Upgrade deployed agents

Each running model includes a set of Juju agents which manage the communication between your charms and the Juju server. Your model agents remain at the same version until you ask to upgrade them.

juju upgrade-model <model>

How to upgrade your model(s)

Further instructions

For detailed information about the upgrade process please see:

Feedback Appreciated!

Let us know how you’re using Juju! Please ask questions on discourse.charmhub.io, tweet us @juju_devops with the hashtag #juju_devops, and chat with us at #juju on Freenode.

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