`jhack` goes full chaotic evil

The title was obviously clickbait, but here it comes.

Jhack 0.4.2 is building as we type and brings a couple of new little nasty tools whose peculiar name deserves a little bit of explanation.

Once upon a time, there used to be a product manager who, in order to test any charm, would take it and repeatedly scale it up by N, then scale it back down by N. So the legend goes.

In the meantime, he’d grab a pack of popcorns and enjoy watching the cluster burn up in a fiery nova. This activity is referred to as “Manciopping”.

Enter jhack chaos mancioppi

While those days are over, charms are more resilient, it’s still nice to have those little moments of relaxation from time to time and heat our carpal tunnels on the fire.

Run jhack chaos mancioppi and that will grab every single application in your model, scale it up by 2 and then, when you tell it to proceed, it will scale them all back down.

Some interesting prameters (for the full list refer to the CLI --help):

  • --reverse: first scale down, then up
  • --include <app>: include this app
  • --exclude <app>: exclude this app
  • --step: amount by which to scale up or down

jhack chaos flicker

The second tool in the ‘watch the cluster burn’ category is chaos flicker. Run jhack chaos flicker and that will grab every single relation in your model, remove it and add it back. Ideally this should give you back the model in its initial state, as opposed to jhack imatrix clear;jhack imatrix fill which would give you back a fully-cross-related model.

Some interesting prameters (for the full list refer to the CLI --help):

  • --reverse: first add the relations, then remove them
  • --include <app>: include this app (you need to pass at least two of them for this to have any meaning)
  • --exclude <app>: exclude this app (you need to pass at least two of them for this to have any meaning)
  • --step: amount by which to scale up or down

For example, jhack chaos flicker --include tempo --include traefik will flicker all relations between tempo and traefik, and leave the rest of the model untouched.

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