How to integrate with IAM
This charm supports integration with the IAM bundle via Oathkeeper, adding an authentication layer that will front the Jenkins applications. When enabled, Jenkins authentication will be disabled.
The steps to enable this mechanism are described below.
Deploy the IAM bundle
To deploy the IAM bundle, follow the corresponding section of the tutorial and configure it with the Identity Provider of your choice, as described in the documentation.
Deploy Oathkeeper
Oathkeeper will interface between Jenkins and the IAM bundle. You will need to deploy the charm and issue and configure TLS certificates for in-cluster communication. Note that the self-signed-certificates charm is already deployed as part of the IAM bundle.
juju deploy oathkeeper --channel edge --trust
juju integrate oathkeeper:certificates self-signed-certificates
To leverage proxy authentication, enable traefik’s enable_experimental_forward_auth
feature and integrate the traefik charm instance with Oathkeeper. As earlier, traefik-public is already deployed as part of the bundle.
juju config traefik-public enable_experimental_forward_auth=True
juju integrate oathkeeper traefik-public:experimental-forward-auth
Finally, integrate Oathkeeper with Kratos, the User Management system, also part of the IAM bundle.
juju integrate oathkeeper kratos
Configure the Jenkins charm
Jenkins needs to be accessible via the same ingress in which Oathkeeper has been configured for the requests to be redirected, so upon integrating with it and with Oathkeeper itself. Authentication is set up in place.
juju integrate jenkins-k8s:ingress traefik-public
juju integrate oathkeeper jenkins-k8s:auth-proxy
Now Jenkins will be reachable at https://[public_ip]/[model_name]-jenkins-k8s, where public_ip
is the load balancer IP assigned to the traefik charm and model_name
, the model where Jenkins is deployed.