Issue Encountered with Charmed Kubernetes Deployment: Unable to Export Bundle

Subject: Issue Encountered with Charmed Kubernetes Deployment: Unable to Export Bundle

Dear Charmed Kubernetes Community,

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to the community regarding an issue I’ve encountered while working on a Charmed Kubernetes deployment.

I have successfully deployed a Charmed Kubernetes cluster and confirmed that the control plane and worker nodes are active. The control plane is accessible via the IP address However, I am currently facing a challenge when attempting to export the bundle using the juju export-bundle command.

Upon running the juju export-bundle command, I encountered an error message related to connecting to I believe this issue might be related to a networking configuration or a mismatched setting.

I have already taken the following steps:

  1. Verified that the Charmed Kubernetes cluster components are active and running as expected.
  2. Confirmed that the control plane is accessible via the IP address
  3. Attempted to export the bundle using the juju export-bundle command, resulting in the connection error.

I kindly request your assistance and insights to resolve this issue. If you have any suggestions or solutions to offer, I would greatly appreciate your guidance. Since the community has a wealth of experience with Charmed Kubernetes deployments and configurations, I believe your input will be invaluable in helping me move forward.

If there are any specific logs or configuration files that would aid in diagnosing the issue, please let me know, and I will be happy to provide them.

Thank you in advance for your support. Your time and expertise are highly valued.

Best regards, Hazem