I have added k8s client to juju with juju add-k8s app (then choosing option 1 for client) then bootstrapped it
then juju add-model app
then juju deploy <app> --config juju-external-hostname=app.test
where there an error
juju controllers
Use --refresh option with this command to see the latest information.
Controller Model User Access Cloud/Region Models Nodes HA Version
maas-cloud-default* hello-kubecon admin superuser maas-cloud/default 2 10 none 3.6.2
juju status
$ juju status
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
hello-kubecon maas-cloud-default maas-cloud/default 3.6.2 unsupported 15:10:10Z
Model "admin/hello-kubecon" is empty.
juju models
Controller: maas-cloud-default
Model Cloud/Region Type Status Machines Cores Units Access Last connection
controller maas-cloud/default maas available 10 31 18 admin just now
hello-kubecon* maas-cloud/default maas available 0 - - admin 3 hours ago
so you are currently connected to the maas cloud, which is a machine cloud. You should bootstrap a k8s cloud (e.g. run microk8s and then bootstrap a controller there) instead.
You can’t deploy a k8s charm such as hello-kubecon to a maas cloud.
I already have k8s-core on the controller, I will share the status on the controller, using ubuntu pastebin below.
I’m trying a a HA cluster with 3 VMs and K8s-core
you already have a k8s cloud somewhere, the bit you’re missing is bootstrap a juju controller on it. I’d say dive into the docs. Probably you’ll need to get the kubeconfig file from the cloud and pass it to juju bootstrap, or something like that.