Hello everyone, here’s a report of pulse 5 for IS DevOps.
- Implement 12-factor User Experience Enhancement for Flask.
- Publish the first 12-factor toolchain tutorial on Charm SDK document site with the documentation team.
- Resolve the differences in the Django 12-factor charm vs Flask 12-factor charm.
- Implementing the redis and mongodb integrations.
- COS integration.
- Migrations are executed on the leader, whereas juju does upgrade by highest unit number first (IDS-1516).
DNS charm
- Deployment with IS automation httprequest lego provider (charm). Working through Bug #2056193 “action stuck in pending” : Bugs : Canonical Juju before wider announcement.
- Documentation for DNS charm.
GitHub Self-hosted runners
- Remove proxy vars.
- Migrate all state to charm_state.py.
- Event manager allowing participants to change their registration past the deadline.
- Jenkins-k8s: Implement agent discovery with ingress.
- Integration with Redis.
- Fixed bug on charm state created in init and and for updating admin access token.