IS Charms Team Updates - Pulse #21 2024

Pulse 21 of 2024

Hello everyone, this is the update on the results produced by IS Charms in Pulse 21.

App charmer :factory:

  • Document Go for charmcraft

Cloudflared :cloud:

  • Implement and release the cloudflared charm, cloudflare-configurator charm and the charmed-cloudflared snap

DNS charm :beans:

  • Integrate ACL API to charm (ACL support is in the charm but not used by the charm yet)

Documentation :books:

  • Standardise documentation for IS charms
  • 12-factor app docs – FastAPI and Go
  • Indico tutorial
  • Discourse tutorial
  • Mattermost tutorial
  • httprequest-lego-provider tutorial

GitHub Self-hosted runners :running_man:

  • Reactive spawning: Finish adapation of reactive reconciliation
  • Reactive spawning: Finish COS integration for reactive
  • Change OpenStack connection to get credentials arguments rather than sourcing from file
  • Runner clean-up OpenStack resources w/ self healing
  • Include Juju in image building
  • Include Microk8s in image building

Synapse :spider_web:

  • Add configuration to Maubot
  • Add COS integration to Maubot (partially done , missing Loki integration)

Penpot :pen:

  • Add COS integration

Wazuh :lock:

  • Enable configuration of the Wazuh server

Content-cache :bank:

  • First stage MVP.

haproxy :laughing:

  • Add support for website relation
  • Merge active PRs (#7, #14, #16, #19)