
Hello! My name is Nadia. :wave: After applying for the HR position at Canonical, I received a link to your discourse in the confirmation email. I’d love to know: what is it like working at Canonical? What are some exciting challenges you’ve experienced, and what has been your favourite moment? Please feel free to share a bit about yourself as well! :blush:

Hi Nadia – welcome! This particular forum is for discussing Charms and Juju (which is a tool made by Canonical that automatically sets up servers of various kinds). So this is not the normal place for that kind of discussion, but it won’t hurt to share a little bit anyway.

I’ve been with Canonical for 4 years, two years as an engineer and two as a technical manager. Working here is great! We have highly technical colleagues (as well as highly technical managers and executives), a desire to build high quality tools, and fully remote work (with the bonus of being flown to in-person conferences twice a year). Plus, almost all of the stuff we work on is freely available and open source.

An exciting challenge for me has been learning how to lead a remote team. Not to mention working on big systems like Juju. Favourite moment? That’s a hard one. Probably that first sprint (company conference) held in Frankfurt after Covid travel restrictions died down.

All that said – this is just from my perspective as a software engineer and manager. It’s probably a fair bit different in HR! I’d personally be happy to answer any further questions you have by email (