Integrate with Canonical Observability Stack

This guide describes how to integrate with Canonical Observability Stack to monitor key metrics, logs, and events from Superset, enabling proactive health checks and performance analysis. Prometheus, Grafana and Loki are included as part of this observability suite.

To deploy cos-lite and expose its endpoints as offers, follow these steps:

First, create a new model and deploy the cos-lite bundle:

juju add-model cos
juju deploy cos-lite --trust

Next, you can expose the COS integration endpoints as Juju offers:

juju offer prometheus:metrics-endpoint
juju offer loki:logging
juju offer grafana:grafana-dashboard

Now relate your Superset application with these endpoints:

juju relate superset-k8s admin/cos.grafana
juju relate superset-k8s admin/cos.loki
juju relate superset-k8s admin/cos.prometheus

At this point, your working observability setup is ready. To login to the User Interface (UI), you need the admin password and Grafana application IP. You can retrieve those as follows:

juju run grafana/0 -m cos get-admin-password
juju status

The Grafana UI can be found on the application IP address, port 3000. Pre-built dashboards are included under Superset Metrics.