Install Kubeflow lite


Kubeflow lite to experiment on Windows, macOS or Linux desktop

To allow users to conveniently try out Kubeflow directly on their laptops or workstations, Canonical has conveniently pre-selected and packaged a subset of the Kubeflow applications to run on 8Gb of RAM.

Kubeflow runs on top of Kubernetes. Hence, in order to provide an out-of-the-box Kubeflow experience, the underlying K8s had to be also provided in a streamlined way.

The simple way to get K8s with built-in Kubeflow on Windows, macOs or Linux is MicroK8s.

Now, besides the full Kubeflow bundle, MicroK8s also includes a Kubeflow lite bundle . To install Kubelow lite, deploy MicroK8s and then run:

$ KUBEFLOW_BUNDLE=lite microk8s enable kubeflow

Check out what’s inside Kubeflow-lite