InfluxDB Documentation Overview


InfluxDB is an open-source, distributed, time series database.

Usage with Telegraf

Deploy the telegraf charm, and the required InfluxDB charm with the following:

juju deploy telegraf
juju deploy influxdb

Add the relation between the two charms:

juju relate influxdb telegraf

Usage with Grafana

Deploy the Grafana charm, and the required InfluxDB charm with the following:

juju deploy grafana
juju deploy influxdb

Add the relation between the two charms:

juju relate influxdb:grafana-source grafana:grafana-source

The relationship will automatically register the InfluxDB instance as a data source in Grafana.

However, you still need to create an InfluxDB database and populate the Grafana data source page with its details. Once you have created an InfluxDB database, visit the Grafana /datasources page, choose your InfluxDB juju generated data source, and edit the database settings accordingly.


To enable authentication, add “http.auth-enabled=true” to extra_configs, e.g., if there are no other options set:

juju config influxdb extra_configs="- http.auth-enabled=true"

Whether authentication is enabled or not, the charm will create an “admin” account at install time and store the credentials in /root/.influx-auth. If the application is related to cs:nrpe, it will create a “nagios” account and store the credentials in /var/lib/nagios/.influx-auth, as the Nagios check expects. Due to the way the check works, this is also an admin account.

All other authentication management must be done manually, including to allow a related grafana access to use an InfluxDB data source.


An earlier version of this charm contained .deb and .tar.gz files for InfluxDB and Python dependencies. They have been removed from the git repository, so you will need to ensure you are using an up to date clone of the codebase before making any changes.