Indico docs: How to configure the external hostname

How to configure the external hostname

This charm exposes the site_url configuration option to specify the external hostname of the application.

To expose the application it is recommended to set that configuration option and deploy and integrate with the Nginx Ingress Integrator Operator, that will be automatically configured with the values provided by the charm.

Assuming Indico is already up and running as indico, you’ll need to run the following commands:

# Configure the external hostname
juju config indico site_url=indico.local
# Deploy and integrate with the Nginx Ingress Integrator charm
juju deploy nginx-ingress-integrator
juju trust nginx-ingress-integrator --scope cluster # if RBAC is enabled
juju integrate nginx-ingress-integrator indico

For more details on the configuration options and their default values see the configuration reference.