Incus charm - ovn integration

OVN integration

The Incus charm can be integrated with the ovn-central charm to configure an OVN Northbound connection in Incus.

Note that the ovn-central charm requires authentication via SSL certificates signed by a common CA. Therefore, OVN integration requires the Vault integration to be setup for both Incus and the ovn-central charms.

Assuming that a ovn-central application is available on the current model, integrating it with an incus application can be done via juju relate:

$ juju relate incus ovn-central

After the relationship is setup, the Incus charm will fetch the OVN Northbound database endpoints from the ovn-central charm and configure them in Incus. This enables the creation of OVN networks in Incus that allow a common virtual network to be used by instances across cluster members. Automatic creation of OVN networks by the charm is currently not supported.