How to upgrade the "jimm" charm?

I’m trying to update the dashboard, but I see I have the wrong format of the release.

Github does not have a .xz file.

How should I do this not to mess up the jimm controller(s)?

$ juju attach-resource jimm dashboard=./juju-dashboard-0.9.2.tar.bz2

ERROR failed to upload resource “dashboard”: Put incorrect extension on resource upload “./juju-dashboard-0.9.2.tar.bz2”, expected “.xz”

@gomboli @ya-bo-ng ? any chance to get some details on this? My dashboard on 0.9.0 crashes constantly

Not sure if it is still relevant and hope the issue has been resolved but for anyone else ending up here:

I was adding a .tgz resource to a charm and got the same error. Adding the file extension to the filename: field in the resources: section in metadata.yaml resolved the issue.

    type: file
    filename: <filename>.tgz
    description: Some description